02 4628 7676 widgetselc@gmail.com

It’s JUNE!
Hello again to all our families!

This month our Caterpillars and Butterflies have been busy exploring their many interests of zoo animals, tasty foods, shopping and picnics, just to name a few. Scroll down to your child’s room to read more about what they have been learning lately.

A warm thank you to our families who have been filling out the weekend sheets placed inside the sign in and out folders. This feedback is very helpful to our educators who look at this information daily and build experiences for your child based on what happens at home. This way, we extend on what they are interested in in new ways, and develop their cognitive, social, and emotional skills in the process. For example, if a child shows an interest in dinosaurs, this becomes our platform through which to teach children about role play and literacy through this interesting theme.Learning through play is very important for children, and so we teach them to write, communicate, respond to others, and build their vocabulary through their interests.

Feel free to email us with any questions, comments or feedback.

Happy reading!
Sylvia 🙂