02 4628 7676 widgetselc@gmail.com

Parents Corner – July 2014

ParentLine 1300 1300 52 There is a new helpline that has been set up by CatholicCare Australia for parents seeking information about their child’s development. This can include their behaviour, communication, meal time challenges or learning new things. This...

Butterfly Room – July 2014

Hello, I can’t believe it is July already! Where has this year gone, it’s going by so fast and we are having so much fun and learning new things. We have a new class friend who is going to the children’s house each week, where the children can show Pooh Bear their...

Caterpillar Room – July 2014

Hi everyone 🙂 We have been having lots of fun in the Caterpillar Room, so its been such a great month for our Caterpillars. First I would like to thank all our wonderful parents for helping out with the children’s learning. We appreciate it when you write what...

Widgets News – July 2014

Hi Parents! There are a few new faces around and I’m looking forward to getting to know you all better. We’ve also had Erica join the team at Widgets. She is a very competent and mature addition, and we look forward to seeing her grow with us here. Our...