02 4628 7676 widgetselc@gmail.com

Parents Corner – May 2014

The Importance of Relationships Children’s relationships affect all areas and stages of their development. This is because relationships are experiences. In fact, relationships are the most important experiences in your child’s environment because they teach her...

Butterfly Room – May 2014

Hello! I can’t believe how fast this year is going already! The children have been expanding their learning outcomes so well and have enjoyed learning new things. Recently, we have been learning lots of fun new things and revisiting things that they have already...

Caterpillar Room – May 2014

It has been another wonderful couple of months in the Caterpillar room. We have some fantastic and lovely new friends who are all settling in well and making friends of their own. This month we have been focusing on our numbers, alphabet and our colours. We have been...

Widgets News – May 2014

We’re excited to unveil our new entrance way this month! Our children were so amazed by the transformation when they first saw it. ‘Mummy, it looks so neat!’ and ‘wow, wow, wow’ were just a couple of the phrases heard several times the...