02 4628 7676 widgetselc@gmail.com

Parents Corner – June 2014

Sun Protection and Vitamin D Even though it is winter, children (and adults!) need protection from UV rays which are still prevalent despite the lack of sunshine around. Children and staff still apply sunscreen during the winter months, and we’ve included a...

Butterfly Room – June 2014

Hello! We have been very busy in the Butterfly Room over the last month. So many fun things have been happening and the children have been doing a fantastic job of exploring their learning outcomes and have enjoyed learning new things. Recently, we have been learning...

Caterpillar Room – June 2014

Hello Caterpillar Parents, Its June already! Half the year has gone. Time flies when you are having fun 🙂 It’s been another great month with our Caterpillar friends. We would like to introduce some new and wonderful friends. The more the merrier and we do have...

Widgets News – June 2014

It’s JUNE! Hello again to all our families! This month our Caterpillars and Butterflies have been busy exploring their many interests of zoo animals, tasty foods, shopping and picnics, just to name a few. Scroll down to your child’s room to read more about...