02 4628 7676 widgetselc@gmail.com

Spring is here!

Aren’t we all glad that Spring has sprung? We can finally say goodbye to cold winter nights and sunless days! Our children will be getting more time in the sun now and they’re really enjoying the extra outdoor time. The wheelbarrows are out, the fallen leaves are being collected and investigated, and our plants are being watered and cared for. September has been fantastic so far, with a lot of interesting and educational themes running throughout both our rooms.

We hope our fathers had a great Father’s Day and that they were spoilt more than usual, after all, every day should be Father’s Day (and mothers!).

Welcome to Widgets!

We’d like to welcome our new families that have joined us recently. The Heather and Haris families have joined us in the past few months and have been so lovely to have around. Your children are beautiful and are loved by all.

The Chong family has recently returned to Widgets. Even though our children are happy about this, our educators seem more excited to have you back!

We have the Bugge and Zho-Chee families bringing us our children’s new favourites- our adorable babies. Our Butterflies are always excited when they see our babies and are so incredibly helpful with rocking them in their rockers and singing them nursery rhymes. We’ve even seen some of our children running across the backyard to quickly put their dummies back in their mouths, or give them back their fallen toy. It’s adorable!

We would also like to welcome the Ofa family, who have just joined us this week. We are so happy to have the girls join the Widgets family and hope they have a long and pleasant stay with us. We can already see healthy relationships forming with the other children and it’s great to see that this is happening so quickly.

Parent Information Room
Don’t forget about our Parent Information Room located in the foyer on your way to the kitchen. This is overflowing with up-to-date brochures and pamphlets informing you of the standards we comply with as well as helpful parenting tips. You are welcome to enter this room at any time. It is here for you, so feel free to take any brochure you like. If there is a topic that you are keen to know more about but can’t track it down in that room, speak to one of us and we will gladly research the issue for you.

Child Absences
We’d like to thank all families that have been calling of a morning to let us know that their child won’t be attending. This helps us organise our day better and also gives us comfort in knowing your child is okay.

Our Skinny Fruit Bowl
Our fruit bowl is getting healthier by the day- thank you to all parents who have been bringing in a piece of fruit for our children to enjoy. We appreciate it and the children have been enjoying their colourful afternoon teas.

Please feel free to email us with any questions, comments or feedback.