02 4628 7676 widgetselc@gmail.com

Hi Parents!

There are a few new faces around and I’m looking forward to getting to know you all better.

We’ve also had Erica join the team at Widgets. She is a very competent and mature addition, and we look forward to seeing her grow with us here.

Our Class Mascots
Both rooms have begun a group activity where children have the opportunity to take a class mascot home for a week and share their mascot’s experiences with them. This brings each class closer as their mascot belongs to them all, and assists educators in building upon home experiences at school.

School Photos
It’s that time of the year again where we will be capturing this year’s memories with our educators and children. School Photos will be held on Thursday 4th September at 9:30am. If your child does not attend on Thursdays, we encourage you to bring them in to have their photo taken with their group. If you would like to purchase photos this year, please ask Mimi or Sylvia for an envelope.

Jeans for Genes Day!
Even though this is our July issue, we can already tell you we have raised over $75 for Jeans for Genes Day which was held on 1st August. This is a great effort on behalf of our centre, and we’d like to thank our parents for contributing to such a worthy cause. Our educators also deserve some appreciation for their extraordinary efforts on the day. Thank you to all involved!

Sometimes it’s just about changing the appearance of a meal to make it more appealing for children. We share a way to do this in this month’s recipe, that can be easily customised to suit your children’s needs.

Please feel free to email us with any questions, comments or feedback.

Happy reading!
Sylvia 🙂