02 4628 7676 widgetselc@gmail.com

Hello and welcome to spring!

This year is flying by so fast. The Butterflies would like to welcome Harry and Daniel into our room, they have recently come up from the Caterpillar room and are settling in very nicely. Recently, our room has become a buzz with superheroes and Frozen, with a lot of the children pretending to be superheroes and Elsa.

We have also shown interest in conducting science experiences and making slime and play dough. The children love to explore different textures, exploring new things and making shapes, animals and other things.

We have also explored our interest in animals where the children were encouraged to explore their creativity when drawing their favourite animals, naming their favourite animals and recognising different animals. We are continuing to focus on our letters, numbers, shapes, colours and many more.

The children have also been exploring their writing skills well and are showing great improvement. If any parents would like us to specifically work on a particular area of learning for your child please speak to Cindy at your earliest convenience.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all families for contributing to our family input sheets and providing educators with information about your child’s weekend, this information is beneficial in providing experiences that your child likes, is familiar with and can enhance their learning. As the weather is warming up can all families please provide a hat for your child if you don’t already, these can stay at school if you wish and please make sure all of your child’s belongings are labeled.

Thank you,